6 Tips for Managing Moving Day Stress

6 Tips for Managing Moving Day Stress

What?? Packing and moving isn't your favorite thing in the world to do?

Well, don't worry about being buried under packing boxes and tied up in tape, because Abio's East Bay real estate agents have the best tips for managing moving day stress.

We have moved plenty of times ourselves and know dozens of ways to make your move smooth. Did you know that a person in the U.S. is expected to move about 11 times in his or her lifetime? After reading these tips, you’ll be ready for at least one of them.

1. Start with Abio's up-to-date City Links with all the phone numbers you need to turn the utilities off at your old place and get connected at your new one.

2. Don't pack away these moving day essentials: basic tool box, cell phone chargers, paper plates, a few eating utensils, cleaning supplies, paper towels, toilet paper, trash bags, first-aid kit, a change of clothes for each family member, and a portable speaker. Bonus tip: Here's your moving day playlist.

3. Check out this how-to video about packing hacks by Dave Hax. His tips include cutting holes in cardboard boxes to make them easier to carry and taking pictures of your electronics wiring before you take it apart. (Hax’s British accent alone might soothe away your moving day anxiety.)

4. Line up a take-out meal for your first dinner and make sure one of your first acts in your new house is placing celebration wine, beer or bubbles in the fridge. (Priorities, right?)

5. Purge as you pack before moving day. If you have time, check out the Marie Kondo decluttering system. Dump or donate the obvious stuff like broken Christmas lights, that lawn chair you never got around to fixing, books you won’t read again, outgrown kids clothes and toys. You’ll thank yourself on moving day.

6. Don’t forget the kids. (Literally. Make sure you leave room for them in your box-filled car.) Prep children early by taking field trips to the new house and neighborhood. Ask your kids to pack a special suitcase of stuffies and a few toys they’ll want to introduce to the new home right away. And get a babysitter or mother’s helper for moving day. Don’t have anyone to help? Check out online resources like Care.comSitterCity, UrbanSitter, and Bambino.


For more moving day guidance, contact any of our Abio Properties agents at 888-400-ABIO (2246) or email us at [email protected].

Photo credit: Preservation Maryland.  Image License: Creative Commons.